With the archery season rapidly approaching in Southern Ontario, we should be thinking about preparing for the hunt now!

One of the first things I do is a walkabout on our traditional properties to have a look around. I always take another hunter or some help of some sort as this is more than just a look see, it is a work mission as well. Not only are we looking for sign such as travel routes, rubs and scrapes, we are also checking our permanent stands for safety and repair. We may also have to cut new shooting lanes and clear brush, cut trees or put up new stands in areas that show promise.

All of these jobs take equipment such as saws and hammers, ropes and safety harnesses, proper clothing and footwear is essential when working in the bush! So make a list of everything you are going to need before you head out on your walkabout. A good pair of light field glasses is always a good idea (it never fails when repairing a tree stand without a firearm a deer will get curious and step out to look) as well as some bottled water, food and a first aid kit.

These pre season walkabouts are a great way to get in shape but take it slow if you have a little grey in your hair or you ride a desk all day at work. Getting hurt just prior to the hunting season is defintely not the way to start a deer season!

So take a couple of days over the next few weeks and get out in the bush and get ready for the hunt… you can bet the farm that we are doing just that!

Big Red!

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