- Next Steps for CRFSC Graduates. August 21, 2011 by Mark Thanks to all those who attended this past weekend's Canadian Restricted Firearms Safety Course. We're looking forward to seeing many of you at the pistol club in the near future! As promised, here's the link to the Firearms Application. http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/cfp-pcaf/form-formulaire/num-nom/921-eng.htm As ever, if you have any questions you know who… (...READ MORE)
- Deer and Moose Forecast for Southeastern Ontario July 14, 2011 by Mark I hope you have your deer and moose tags in hand or they’re in the mail, because things are looking very good for our hunting prospects in many areas around Southeastern Ontario this fall. Deer populations are on the rise across most of the province and particularly in the southeastern… (...READ MORE)
- MYTHS AND TRUTHS OF SHOOTING BIG GAME June 17, 2011 by Mark This is a very difficult subject for many people because of the lack of information as well as the myriad of misinformation among hunters, both young and old! I will now explode some of the deep-rooted myths that are very common in hunter lore and enlighten you with some facts… (...READ MORE)
- Whitetail Deer. Moving in for the Kill June 1, 2011 by Mark How many of you have heard another hunter say that you can’t sneak up on a deer? Or heard that you have to call a moose to you because their hearing and sense of smell is just too good to approach them? I beg to differ. Stalking is a very… (...READ MORE)
- Finding and Fostering Places to Hunt. May 19, 2011 by Mark Landowners and the Hunter. Many of our readers are just beginning their hunting careers and are seeking a place to hunt while many others are now moving to rural areas and purchasing properties to live and/or hunt on. This seems like a simple thing to do but it can be… (...READ MORE)
- The Gun is Civilization December 15, 2010 by Mark by Mark Kloos Human beings only have two ways to deal with one another: reason and force. If you want me to do something for you, you have a choice of either convincing me via argument, or force me to do your bidding under threat of force. Every human interaction… (...READ MORE)
- Get your CFSC and CRFSC Manuals Free June 28, 2010 by Mark If you want to review the books online you can download the PDF file for free at this link: http://www.fseso.org/index_files/Page322.htm Do Not try and print the manual... it will cost you way too much money in ink and paper! If you prefer paper copies of firearms manuals, you can purchase… (...READ MORE)
- Scrapping the Long-gun Registry, a health risk? Pull the other one.. May 6, 2010 by Mark This: http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20100429/registry-doctors-100429?s_name=&no_ads= is an absolute farse. I encourage all G2G members to help spread the FACTS behind these statistics and educate people on this issue. "Since the gun registry was implemented there has been a 23 per reduction in gun-related suicide and a 36 per cent reduction in the use… (...READ MORE)
- Important reminders for the spring Wild Turkey season. February 28, 2010 by Mark Hello Friends, We wanted to take the opportunity to remind you that the open season for Wild Turkey in our area is fast approaching: April 26th to May 31st, 2010. If you haven't done so yet you need to attend an Ontario Hunter Education Wild Turkey Seminar and also be… (...READ MORE)
- Get your Restricted Possession and Acquisition License Upgraded for FREE! February 12, 2010 by Mark In recent communications with the Chief Firearms Office we've discovered that they are running a limited time offer where they are waiving the application fee to apply for your Restricted Firearms License! Here are the details: -If you already have a Non-Restricted. PAL, you can upgrade for FREE to a… (...READ MORE)
- NEXT STEPS FOR RECENT GRADUATES- LINK TO FIREARMS APPLICATION February 6, 2010 by Mark Congratulations to all the CF personnel and civilians who have recently challenged exams with us. To download your Firearms Application, Visit this Link: http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/cfp-pcaf/form-formulaire/num-nom/921-eng.htm It’s very similar to a CDN passport application.The license is valid government ID and is good for 5 years from the date of issue. They are… (...READ MORE)
- Important Information and Instructions for Minors (under 18yrs). February 5, 2010 by Mark By request, below we've provided a summary of the special instructions for Minors applying for Hunting / Firearms Licenses. Graduate Information for Minors (under 18yrs) Ontario Hunter Education Program -Guardian must sign Ontario Hunter Education Consent Form (avail. in class, or online at ww.ohep.net) if student is aged 12-15. -Guardian… (...READ MORE)
- TURKEYS HUNTING TURKEYS! The Secrets to Turkey-Hunting Success January 25, 2010 by Mark Hello from Big Red. Guess what hunters? We have about 90 sleeps until turkey hunting rears its wrinkled blue head for the 2010 season. For those of you that have taken part in a turkey hunt and heard the primitive gobble of a Tom, I know for certain that you… (...READ MORE)
- NEXT STEP FOR RECENT GRADUATES January 9, 2010 by Mark Congratulations to all the CF personnel and civilians who have recently challenged exams with us. To download your Firearms Application, Visit this Link: http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/cfp-pcaf/form-formulaire/num-nom/921-eng.htm It’s very similar to a CDN passport application.The license is valid government ID and is good for 5 years from the date of issue. They are… (...READ MORE)
- OFAH’s Wild Turkey Hunting Seminar Schedule – 2010 January 6, 2010 by Mark Hi All! If you've taken your Hunter Education or Firearms Course with us and you're interested in obtaining your certification to hunt Wild Turkey, be advised that OFAH has just released the seminar dates for 2010. http://www.ofah.org/Hunting/index.cfm?ID=12#Register Registration opens Jan 11! It's first come first serve and space is limited.… (...READ MORE)
- Coyote Management! November 27, 2009 by Mark OK anyone who has hunted the 09 deer season already knows why this post is going up! We have shot only six deer this year and we normally shoot 20. I am not complaining, simply stating fact. Of the hundred or so hunters and groups I have talked to the… (...READ MORE)
- Private and Semi-Private Shooting Clinics August 3, 2009 by Mark In response to popular demand, Guide to Game is now offering private and semi-private shooting clinics on site. If you'd like to develop the practical skills necessary to excel in Shooting Sports and/or Hunting Scenarios, then Guide to Game will provide the hands on training you require. Now's also the… (...READ MORE)
- Next steps for graduates of our July 3, 4th, 5th, OHEP/CFSC All-In-One July 5, 2009 by Mark NEXT STEP FOR RECENT GRADUATES OF OUR ALL IN ONE COURSES To download your Firearms Application, Visit this Link: http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/cfp-pcaf/form-formulaire/num-nom/921-eng.htm It’s very similar to a CDN passport application.The license is valid government ID and is good for 5 years from the date of issue. You can also get more info… (...READ MORE)
- Do you want to go hunting? Are you planning on purchasing a new firearm this fall? June 25, 2009 by Mark I am sure there are many first time shooters and hunters that want to go hunting this fall and are thinking about firearms and hunting licenses before the season. If you are one of them, you should be aware that the waiting time for your firearms license is up to… (...READ MORE)
- RIFLE SCOPE BASICS AND THREE SHOT SIGHT IN! June 22, 2009 by Mark I am sorry it took me so long to get around to this, I have been promising this information to our readers for some time. I often hear hunters and shooters lament about trying to sight in their firearms. They fire boxes upon boxes of ammunition, they try different ammo… (...READ MORE)
- Summer Time, ground hogs are us! June 18, 2009 by Mark If anyone is interested in varmint hunting now is the time to get busy! In many areas of Southern Ontario the groundhog population is exploding and the landowners in these areas are coming unglued! All you really need is a small caliber firearm and permission to hunt and you can… (...READ MORE)
- Range days with Stoeger Canada! June 8, 2009 by Mark Today was an outstanding day for Guide to Game. We had a chance to spend the day with the good folks from ACCURACY PLUS in Peterborough. We all were invited to the STOEGER CANADA RANGE DAY at the OSHAWA SKEET AND GUN CLUB! The guys from Stoeger are without a… (...READ MORE)
- NEXT STEP FOR RECENT GRADUATES OF OUR ALL IN ONE COURSES June 1, 2009 by Mark To download your Firearms Application, Visit this Link: http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/cfp-pcaf/form-formulaire/num-nom/921-eng.htm It’s very similar to a std CDN passport application.The license is valid gov’t id and is good for 5 years form the date of issue. You can also get more info at: http://www.cfc-cafc.gc.ca/info_for-renseignement/Licensing/default_e.asp To get your Hunting/Fishing Outdoors Card Go into… (...READ MORE)
- Sign up for your Summer All In One Course and Win! May 28, 2009 by Mark All Courses starting in June will put Students into a Draw that could win your course for free, or a two day guided Turkey or Deer hunt of the winners choice. (...READ MORE)
- BIG BUCK DAY AT SAUGEEN SHAFTS IN PETERBOROUGH May 22, 2009 by Mark YOU GUYS REALLY NEED TO GET DOWN TO PETERBOROUGH AND CHECK THIS OUT. Any Student who signs up to the summer Hunter Education classes during the Big Buck Day Event at Saugeen Shafts will be put into the draw for a free Hunter Education and Canadian Firearms Safety All In… (...READ MORE)
- Turkey’s R us May 18, 2009 by Mark So far we have had a pretty good Spring Turkey hunt, Luke and Tim and I have all killed good birds. The Toms are really cruising right now as the hens are mostly sitting on eggs. I actually stalked a nice Tom in the wind the other day and got… (...READ MORE)
- Next steps for those who attended the May 1st, 2nd, 3rd All-in-one. May 3, 2009 by Mark To download your Firearms Application, Visit this Link: http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/cfp-pcaf/form-formulaire/num-nom/921-eng.htm It’s very similar to a std CDN passport application.The license is valid gov’t id and is good for 5 years form the date of issue. You can also get more info at: http://www.cfc-cafc.gc.ca/info_for-renseignement/Licensing/default_e.asp To get your Hunting/Fishing Outdoors Card Go into… (...READ MORE)
- Restricted course! Coming soon! March 23, 2009 by Mark We have had a ton of interest in the Canadian Restricted Firearms Course from many of our students lately, so we have decided to offer a couple of one day add on courses for our people. Anyone of our students who has already taken and passed the Canadian Firearms Course… (...READ MORE)
- Hey You Turkeys! March 12, 2009 by Mark Guess what season is rapidly approaching? If you don't know the answer to this question go back to watching Oprah or Dr. Phil and leave this Blog for the hunters. Monday the 27th of April is the big day ( SPRING TURKEY HUNT ) and I have got most of… (...READ MORE)
- Choosing a Slug Gun for Deer. What you need to Know! March 12, 2009 by Mark Shotgun only Areas for deer and a burgeoning deer herd have created some interesting technology in the last two decades. The latest in rifled barrel and sabot slug technology has stretched the effective range of slugguns to previously unheard of distances and hunters are increasingly taking advantage of this trend.… (...READ MORE)
- Coyote vs Browning February 24, 2009 by Mark I was home today taking care of some paper work and just had to take a break from the computer and grab a coffee and bite to eat! When I got into the kitchen I noticed something out on the range at about 250 yards, can you guess what I… (...READ MORE)
- BENELLI M2 Slug gun Project! February 17, 2009 by Mark I am trying something different this year, I have always been a slug gun nut but my exposure to 20's is not extensive. Back in the day the 20 gauge slugs just did not have the punch the 12's did on deer. That has all changed and the new slugs… (...READ MORE)
- HAPPY GROUND HOG DAY February 2, 2009 by Mark I really don't care what Wiarton Willy says people, I am happy that spring is a couple of short months away! Turkey Hunting is just around the corner and we are already getting a lot of calls here at GUIDE TO GAME about Turkey Hunting! We had a very successful… (...READ MORE)
- Benelli R1 / Leupold VX III Range Report January 22, 2009 by Mark Benelli R1 30-06 topped with a Leupold VXIII 2.5-8X36... does it get any better than that? I don't know. But I shot a box of 180 Remington Core Locked through this combo on the Range. The Benelli R1... what can I say... it is light and well balanced, shoulders like… (...READ MORE)
- Upcoming Hunter Education Course / CFSC All-in-One January 19, 2009 by Mark The next Guide to Game (All-in-One) Hunter Education Course / Canadian Firearms Safety Course will be held on April 3rd - 5th 2009 April 3rd, 5:00PM - 10:00PM April 4th, 8:00AM - 6:00PM April 5th, 8:00AM - 6:00PM TURKEY SEASON IS COMING. Information on Courses Register Now! (...READ MORE)
- Bullet Placement January 18, 2009 by Mark Bullet placement... I hear this over and over it is usually offered as a criticism or a qualifier. Whenever someone asks about what caliber to choose for a specific animal a "shooting expert" will opine that it is all about bullet placement and the implication is that caliber is not… (...READ MORE)
- Women Hunters! January 18, 2009 by Mark Women Hunters are Deadly! Heather is one of our guides Big Tony's wife and has been a member of our crew since we syndicated about fifteen years ago. She is an avid hunter and accomplished shot and has had great success hunting big game over the years. She shot her… (...READ MORE)
- For discussion: an Excerpt from ‘On Killing’ Lt. Col. Dave Grossman January 15, 2009 by Mark This is being added to the course curriculum ;): Throughout history man has been surrounded by close and personal death and killing. When family members died of disease, lingering injury, or old age, they died in the home., their corpses were brought to he house-- or cave, or hut, or… (...READ MORE)
- Next Steps for those who’ve finished their Ontario Hunter Education Program / Canadian Firearms Safety Course. January 15, 2009 by Mark I wanted to archive this info for all of you who've successfully completed your courses and testes and are wondering what do do next. Firearms licenses (Possession and Acquisition licenses)The PDF file for the application is available from the website below. It’s very similar to a standard Canadian Passport application.… (...READ MORE)
- A bit of Humour to Ring in the New Year! January 7, 2009 by Mark (...READ MORE)
- Tony Scores Big! January 2, 2009 by Mark We have had a number of huge bucks show up for the late season breeding on the ranch and a particular ten point that was previously unknown to us. Tony was looking to kill a huge 12 point that was starting to deteriorate and likely past his prime when this… (...READ MORE)
- First Blood November 17, 2008 by Mark As Vice-Everything here at GuidetoGame.com and rightful heir to a lifetime's worth of hunting and shooting experience, it's no surprise that first-blood of the Shotgun Season was drawn by yours truly.:) It was probably the nicest sit I've had during the hunt. I was tucked into a treestand on the… (...READ MORE)
- 2008 gun season pics! November 13, 2008 by Mark Couple of winners from the 2008 season! Red and Duncan with a Monster! Ray and Elisha... with a friend. (...READ MORE)
- Another successful course! October 19, 2008 by Mark We had a stellar weekend at the Guide to Game training facility this weekend. Eighteen students aged from age 13 to 66 piled in for an All In One Hunter Education and Firearms course! Our lead instructor "Me" was kept hopping by an enthusiastic group of students anxious to get… (...READ MORE)
- SIGHTING IN YOUR FIREARM THE EASY WAY! Three shot sight in! October 8, 2008 by Mark OK for all you neophytes and not so neophytes... you really wanna know the easy way to sight in your scoped firearm? Here it is... 1) Make sure your gun is clean and made safe by practicing the ACTS & PROVE method! (if you don't know what this is you… (...READ MORE)
- October 1st…. almost upon us! September 23, 2008 by Mark With the archery season rapidly approaching in Southern Ontario, we should be thinking about preparing for the hunt now! One of the first things I do is a walkabout on our traditional properties to have a look around. I always take another hunter or some help of some sort as… (...READ MORE)
- Guide to Game is Live! September 10, 2008 by Mark Welcome! My name is Big Red and I am pleased to introduce everyone to our shiny new Guide to Game web site. It has been an arduous process for sure but thanks to an outstanding effort by our superb Web designer Mr. Mike Walters, we are finally live and on-line.… (...READ MORE)
- “Accuracy Plus” THE Peterborough Gun Store! June 17, 2008 by Mark Everyone who hunts or shoots should know about Accuracy Plus in Peterborough. Located on Highway #7 approximately 2km east of Highway #115. Accuracy Plus carries an unbelievable array of new and used firearms as well as Crossbows and archery supples. This Gun-Store has friendly knowledgeable staff who will take the… (...READ MORE)
- Varminting with Mean Dean! June 12, 2008 by Mark Took a trip down to the Kingston Waterloo Area on Wednesday, not to sample the beer or wiener schnitzel, but to do some serious groundhog hunting! I met up with "Mean Dean" about 11:00 A.M. to try and knock back a growing Groundhog problem on some of his managed property's.… (...READ MORE)
- ARTIC EDGE OUTFITTERS! June 9, 2008 by Mark Bear Hunting over Bait is a time-honored tradition in Ontario and is something every hunter should try at least once! Hunting with a Professional Bear Guiding Service is the most intelligent approach to hunting bear for both the new and experienced Hunter. After Baiting myself and hunting Bears by the… (...READ MORE)
- Trail Cameras and Pictures. June 6, 2008 by Mark some early spring trail cam pics on a feeding station with a mineral fountain and a lick. (...READ MORE)
- Turkey and Whitetail year-round plot! June 4, 2008 by Mark Started work on the Year Round plot today, this is going to be my late summer draw card and the winter feeder plot for both Turkeys and Deer. It also is going to be planted in Whitetail Institute "Extreme" and "Alpha Rack Plus" in the low section. And "Winter Greens"… (...READ MORE)
- All in One Hunter Safety Course! June 2, 2008 by Mark This weekend ( June 6, 7 and 8 ) the classroom is going to be busy with an All in one "Hunter-Safety Course" including both the "Firearms-Safety Course" and the "Ontario Hunter-Education Program". The guide to game classroom is an outstanding facility with room for two dozen students and can… (...READ MORE)
- Gun Review on the Beretta Extrema 2 Five stars ***** May 31, 2008 by Mark I have been shooting the new Beretta Extrema 2 for over two years now and I think it is time for a long overdue appraisal. This new Beretta shotgun gets a five star rating from the Guide to Game Pro Staff! It has performed flawlessly and with over two thousand… (...READ MORE)
- Maximum Point Blank Range May 30, 2008 by Mark Sounds like a contradictory term, "Maximum" but "Point Blank"? The truth is that it is not contradictory at all, this term is widely used among long range hunters/shooters to describe an aiming system for big and small game. What does maximum point blank range mean? It means the maximum distance… (...READ MORE)
- Food plots for Whitetail Deer and Turkey May 27, 2008 by Mark I mentioned in a previous article about the mother of all food plots that we planted this week. This food plot is approximately 1 3/4 acres and is positioned in a transition area between a high ridge with an orchard and tall pines and a huge headwater swamp and mature… (...READ MORE)
- Food plots May 26, 2008 by Mark Today is food plot planting day .... We have overcast skies and the chance of rain, this is perfect weather for putting in our Imperial food plot. We are planting Power Plant, Alfa Rack and Imperial clover in two plots that total almost two acres in size. One of our… (...READ MORE)
- Another day another Turkey! May 24, 2008 by Mark Started the morning at 3:45 AM, MUST BE OUTTA MY MIND. Set Mark G up at the North Hardwood roost site and started calling at 5:00 A.M. Two gobblers sounded off close and I just cut and purred for about 15 minutes. I did not hear them fly down but… (...READ MORE)
- Mark G and Mark Y take a nice Tom! May 22, 2008 by Mark Mark came close to a nice Tom but experience shines through every time! (...READ MORE)
- The Misiak Turkey Hunt Weekend. April 27, 2008 by Mark The Misiak Team; Eddie, Bobby and Dick opened this season's Turkey hunt with us, and on Saturday morning we successfully bagged two nice Jakes. (...READ MORE)